


Hi everyone,

For starters, I’d like to thank you for organizing this great event. It will be awesome getting to meet Nikko Hurtado during this small and intimate seminar. The man has an incredible gift for getting so close to perfection when it comes to manipulating colors. I don’t know how he does it. I can’t afford to travel abroad, and closing my shop for any length of time is out of the question in our economy. However I would love a chance to improve my skills in order to get a little closer to my idols.

I am shy about applying color directly and wonder if I should instead start with inking grey as a base for more color later on. In his DVD, he seems to start off with the color… Anyway, I have many more questions to ask him personally and I hope that it will be easy thanks to the interpreter you have lined up. I admire Nikko’s work and look forward to meeting him. Thank you for this incredible opportunity.